Inactivated 22 September-7 October 1947 in the vicinity of Livorno, Italy. 1919 Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, February of 2009 WWI - 88th Infantry Ringgold Documents maintained by Tony Mercer. The 88th division in the World War of 1914-1918. if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav7n=MSFPpreload("_derived/ww1links.htm_cmp_expeditn110_hbtn.gif"); MSFPnav7h=MSFPpreload("_derived/ww1links.htm_cmp_expeditn110_hbtn_a.gif"); } Commanding Generals. Arriving in Italy on 14 March, the 339th RCT was attached to the 88th Infantry Division and became the first regiment of the 85th to see combat during World War II on the Minturno-Castelforte front north of Naples, 28 March. See what's new with book lending at the Internet Archive. ” Price: US $174.99. Furthermore, the Division had been forced to go without essential supplies, because all available transportation was being used to the maximum in the Argonne drive. were 1,370 cases in one regiment alone. been required to turn in all its field ranges, overcoats, and all except one blanket per 175th … kilometers of front line held by the 88th Division. Free shipping . the Dakotas and Illinois. roving, from one sector to another between the Voges and the Swiss Border, also made // -->. // -->