Figure 13.2 shows the phase diagram of gas hydrates. Liquid or homogeneous catalysts are used in a number of processes where the catalyst and the reactants are insoluble and form emulsions. However, a few companies are considering methanol recovery from the aqueous phase. Hnatow, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 715, 425. 1. In others, long transportation distances and head loss reduces crude pressure. Barker, J.W. it is possible to prevent hydrate formation while also avoiding methane emissions and loss of a valuable product. Table 25-8. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. These hydrocarbons include methane, ethane, propane or hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. The first one is the complete extraction of water before the natural gas is transmitted through the pipeline. For example, a recent Gulf of Mexico flowline experienced an overall-heat-transfer coefficient of 2 Btu/(hr-ft2-°F), while the design coefficient was 0.176 Btu/(hr-ft2-°F), the latter being a typical value for such applications. Then water particles may separate from the crude. Instead, methanol is injected into the pipeline at the subsea wellhead. Conference on Natural Gas Hydrates; E.D. A PROBABILISTIC APPROACH TO PREVENT THE FORMATION OF HYDRATES IN GAS PRODUCTION SYSTEMS Marco Montini1,*, Andrew I. Humphrey2, Martin J. Watson1, Adrian E. Johnson1 1FEESA Ltd, Westmead House, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 7LP, UNITED KINGDOM 2BP Exploration, Chertsey Road, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, TW16 7LN, UNITED KINGDOM ABSTRACT The formation of hydrates … It is only injected in the hydrocyclones. Therefore, both flow and differential pressure indication must be provided for monitoring spray performance. Methanol exiting the pipeline in the vapor, aqueous, and condensate phases is usually counted as a loss because of the expense of regeneration. Figure 9.6. Demulsifier is injected at inlet piping of production and or test separators. However, the hydrate-formation temperature and pressure conditions are determined by water-molecule availability, as impacted by the water-soluble components. 1997. While most of the methanol dissolves in the water, a significant amount of methanol either remains with the vapor or dissolves into the liquid hydrocarbon phase. Tank top and bottom plates shall be able to support concentrated loads during repair or transportation. The prevention strategies of drilling risks are given by the sensitivity analyses of drilling parameters: increasing the flow rate can prevent the depressurization, while reducing the drilling fluid injection temperature and increasing its density lower limit … Thermal and mechanical analyses of the tree loops are carried out using AutoPIPE software under pressure, temperature, and external loads. Use this section to list papers in OnePetro that a reader who wants to learn more should definitely read, Use this section to provide links to relevant material on websites other than PetroWiki and OnePetro, Example 1: hydrate formation in a pipeline. One drawback of VIT is that it cools more quickly than bare tubing since the insulation prevents the tubing from gaining heat from the earth, which also warms up during production. A well-designed glycol injection dehydration system should provide sufficient glycol delivery pressure from the glycol regeneration unit for an even spray pattern. Earlier than January, 2015 (2) 2018 (1) 2019 (1) 2020 (3) to. Wet gas can be chilled to meet pipeline water as well as hydrocarbon dew point specification using the glycol injection process, which includes propane refrigeration for chilling. Typical flow diagram for glycol injection dehydration system. Package will have a local control panel to operate pumps in addition to transferring some alarms or signals like running, stop, general fault, etc. All of which is extremely expensive. Hydrates will form when the temperature is at or below the hydrate formation temperature, normally with “free” water present, and depending on gas composition and pressure. Infrared gas heaters can be used in meter buildings for heating gauge lines and flow recorders. Highlight matches. As can be seen from these plots, the hydrate formation temperature is about 61 to 65°F for almost every station. They contain a hydrocarbon nucleus. Tree loops operated in subsea condition will satisfy the stress criteria as per ASME B31.8 under the following loads: Temperature of production fluid (in the bore), Internal pressure (without external hydrostatic pressure). The potential problems include: incomplete coverage of all heat exchanger tubes with glycol spray, resulting in hydrate formation and plugging in some tubes, inadequate mist formation by the injection system, resulting in uneven glycol distribution, and. From 45 to 50 miles, however, a second cooling trend is observed because of the Joule-Thomson gas-expansion effect. They may include pressure gauges and transmitters in the pump suction and discharge heads, level gauges and transmitters in the tanks, pressure reduction valves in the bypass lines to return excess chemical to the tanks, etc. To treat produced water to achieve this target often requires multiple separation options, including mixed sand beds, dissolved air flotation, and hydrocyclones. In combination with insulation, line heating may be done through resistance or induction heating, with practice favoring the former. Only the smallest tank did not have enough width. These chemicals are typified as long-chain quaternary ammonium salts, which easily form hydrates, replacing part of both the water and guest frameworks. [6] To date, efforts to identify the stabilizing components, remove them, and re-insert them in a noninhibited oil have been unsuccessful. 1. J Pet Technol 41 (3): 297–301. The allowable values are defined in Table 25-7 as per ASME B31.8. There is evidence that short lines (< 20 miles) can be handled with heat management; however, heating solutions may not be practical at line lengths greater than 50 miles. Austvik, T. 1992. How Do We Prevent or Control Hydrates? Such a combination of low temperatures and high pressures provides high driving forces for hydrate formation. These hydrates are formed with the aid of free water under certain pressure and temperature conditions. The glycol spray systems are designed to have sufficient pressure drop across the nozzles for good atomization of the injected glycol and even coverage of the exchanger tubes. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Vacuum insulated tubing (VIT) is one method to help a wellbore out of the hydrate region. Maximum Stresses of Production Loop Pipe, Table 25-10. Corrosion inhibitor is injected to prevent piping corrosion. Third tank is for demulsifier, which is injected continuously in FWKO drums. This phenomenon is called hydrate formation. There are occasions, rightly or wrongly, when the decision is made to operate a line or process containing liquid water. This may be injected downstream choke or to the infield or the export pipeline. In the hydraulic and thermal analyses of subsea flowline systems, the wellhead pressure and temperature are generally used as the inlet pressure and temperature of the system. As vaporized methanol flows along the pipeline in Fig. Below this temperature, the viscosity of glycol becomes too high for good phase separation. If corrosion inhibitor is injected downstream choke and if sufficient volume is injected and under continuous monitoring, platform piping may be selected from carbon steel material. Despite these efforts, emulsified oil can still penetrate through to the effluent, so the use of high-efficiency liquid–liquid coalescers offers a reliable way to meet environmental limits. A substantial industrial research effort is being spent on development of rapid techniques for hydrate-slurry formation in the fluid. [4] These dispersants are particularly effective in hydrate-plug protection upon line shut-ins and restarts. To prevent the formation of gas hydrates in pipelines, chemical inhibitors are used which are divided into two groups of thermodynamic and kinetic inhibitors. Water hydrogen bonds with alcohols or glycols or forms very strong coulombic bonds with salt ions. If untreated, these nuclei may connect to each other and block the passage. Naeim Nouri Samie MSc Hydraulic Structures, in Practical Engineering Management of Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms, 2016. See Fig. Inhibitor dosage is a function of design temperature and pressure and produced fluid composition. However, hydrates will form in the region at the left of the line marked “Hydrate-Formation Curve,” and hydrate-prevention measures should be taken. However, applying heat trace to the aforementioned transition areas is time consuming and expensive. Presented at the SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, Texas, 13-16 February 2001. In the reactor, mercaptans are extracted into the caustic and are then converted to disulfide oils by oxidation and catalytic action. Filling nozzles are located at edge of each tank. Fig. Instead, methanol is injected upstream of the choke to prevent any hydrates that may be formed during warm-up from plugging the choke. Figure 25-8 shows the models of two loops used for the analyses. This enables filling with hand pumps from side of the package. Beyond this temperature, methanol injection or other dehydration techniques should be considered. Platform piping is normally selected from higher-quality material, therefore in a majority of cases corrosion inhibitor is only injected at the point pipeline is leaving the platform. Thus, this gathering system has the distinct honor of having hydrates form at almost the maximum temperature possible. The regenerated caustic is then recycled to the reactor. One of the more well-known processes for removal of mercaptans is known as the Merox (registered trademark of UOP) process licensed by UOP. These chemicals are polymers with carbon backbones and pendant groups, which adsorb into partially formed hydrate cages to keep the polymer anchored along the hydrate-crystal surface. Hydrate inhibition occurs in the aqueous liquid, rather than in the bulk vapor or oil/condensate. The wellhead pressure and temperature are functions of reservoir pressure, temperature, productivity index, and production rate and can be obtained from steady and transient hydraulic and thermal analyses of the well bore. The ocean cools the flowing stream, and, at about 9 miles, a unit mass of flowing gas and associated water enters the hydrate region to the left of the hydrate-formation curve, remaining in the uninhibited hydrate area until 45 miles. This type of … prevent hydrate formation Source. Any in SPE Disciplines (3) Theme. Glycol injection heat exchanger design: The tube side inlet nozzle of the gas–gas exchanger is typically designed with a cone inlet channel designed with a specific angle and oriented in an axial position. With the state-of-the-art methods of hydrate prevention, we turn to hydrate-plug prevention technology. Highlight matches. In addition to the conventional inhibitors MeOH and monoethylene glycol (MEG), there are three new types of hydrate inhibitors, sometimes called low-dosage hydrate inhibitors, which were tested in the field during the 1990s. The production loop and crossover loop are used for connecting different components of the Xmas tree; high strain and stress may occur in the operating condition due to the thermal expansion caused by high pressure and high temperature. In refinery operations, steam stripping is often used to remove volatile components (hydrogen sulfide and light hydrocarbon fractions) from petroleum products, including gasoline, diesel, and kerosene. C. C. Chen and Y.-S. Liu, Wood Group Mustang, Houston, Texas. The subsea trees, jumpers, and flowlines are insulated to slow the cooling process and allow the wells to be restarted without having to initiate a full shutdown operation. Methanol/MEG or any LDHI may be used to prevent hydrate formation. Design Criteria for Tree Loops. When injecting to the well, the pressure shall be equal to well flowing pressure and when injecting to the export line, it shall be equal to platform design pressure. Discharge limits on produced water are becoming more stringent with current levels in many areas at 29 ppm oil and grease. LDHI is much more expensive and needs corrosion inhibitor chemicals to be additionally injected. For low rate of produced water even 5 ppmv has also been used. One successful solution to prevent hydrate formation is to use drip or condensate bottles in instrument and gauge lines. In some cases all chemicals may be combined in one skid. [5] There is concern about these chemicals with respect to performance on shut-in and restart; also, a substantial amount of hydrate normally forms upon inhibitor failure. Due to pressure reduction, some gas is separated. The prevalent method used was to attack the root of the problem in order to minimize the remedial costs. This page was last edited on 15 November 2017, at 14:41. Help with editing, Content of PetroWiki is intended for personal use only and to supplement, not replace, engineering judgment. As explained, in a three-phase vessel, water, condensate, and gas are separated. One of the injection locations is at the outlet for produced water from production or test separators. Preventing hydrate plugging is a big part of flow assurance, since delayed detection can cause costly operating problems. In addition, a cone inlet channel helps maintain uniform gas velocity profile so that the glycol spray pattern is not distorted. Deep ocean temperatures are fairly uniform at about 39°F, except for some anomalous deepwater current environments. The object of these chemicals is to convert water into finely dispersed hydrate particles that can be transported in a hydrocarbon liquid. If a bare pipe is considered as the baseline cost, insulation can easily double to quadruple the installed-pipe cost. The reactor effluent flows to a three-phase separator where air, disulfides, and regenerated caustic are separated. Sloan, ed. 9.6. Wet gas contains entrained liquids consisting of water and hydrocarbon condensates that can cause hydrate formations in the orifice plate fitting, flow recorders, and instrument lines. In the production of gasoline, organic sulfur compounds such as mercaptans often need to be removed. Growing hydrate crystals are forced to grow around the polymer, stabilizing the hydrates as small particles in the aqueous phase. Depending on the reservoir fluids the injection chemical can be - Methanol or Mono Ethylene glycol (MEG) for gas and gas/condensate wells. However, more-extensive field testing should be done. As the hydrocarbon starts condensing, the flow regime of the three-phase mixture changes, which affects heat transfer, pressure drop, and emulsion forming tendencies. Recovery of the catalyst is important to reduce the need for makeup catalyst and to protect downstream equipment from fouling by the catalyst. Even though the concentration of methanol in the vapor or liquid hydrocarbon is small, with low water amounts, the majority of methanol may be consumed by the vapor or liquid hydrocarbons because the hydrocarbon-phase fractions are much larger than the water-phase fraction. J. Happel, and M.A. API RP 10B, Recommended Practice for Testing Well Cements, 22nd edition. Because fluids come from the reservoir at high temperatures, a lowcost solution is to preserve the reservoir temperature (or add heat to the line) to keep the system out of the hydrate region. Lower hydrate formation temperature with chemical 3. inhibition Dehydrate gas so water vapor will not condense into “free water”. Chemicals are injected to crude in several locations and for different purposes. prevent hydrate formation Peer Reviewed. The prediction accuracy of hydrate formation (for the second and third prevention techniques) is acceptable for the energy industry, within 10% pressure for well-defined fluids at temperatures greater than 32°F and pressures below 5,000 psig. Such a distance may represent several days of residence time for the water phase, so that hydrates would undoubtedly form, if inhibition steps were not taken. The piping design of the tree loops are required to satisfy the design stress criteria under the operating pressure of 5000 psi and operating temperature of 132°C (270℉). Each tank has a vent, which is located near related manhole. MEG or LDHI is injected to the export line during normal operation. The lowest temperature at which ethylene glycol injection units can be operated is −30 °F. Injection to the export line is always done because costs of an export line from exotic material like Inconel are very high. Similarly, when planned or unanticipated shutdowns take place, large quantities of antifreeze are added in order to prevent hydrate formation. One successful solution to prevent hydrate formation is to use drip or condensate bottles in instrument and gauge lines. 2. In many instances, chemical additives such as methanol and glycol are used to prevent hydrate formation. The hazy gasoline is problematic and has to be blended off or reprocessed; otherwise, it would cause the product to be off-specification in terms of sodium. This type of heater has become very popular lately, since it does not produce an open flame. Below this temperature, the viscosity of glycol becomes too high for good phase separation. Slurry tests of several proprietary systems have been sponsored by a consortium of energy companies. 1[1]) with an average formation pressure of 181 psia. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, Systems and Equipment for Offshore Platform Design, Naeim Nouri Samie MSc Hydraulic Structures, in, Practical Engineering Management of Offshore Oil and Gas Platforms, Chemicals are injected to crude in several locations and for different purposes. Glycol injection systems are lower cost options compared with TEG dehydration unit or fixed-bed dehydration systems. However, start-up operation and pressure equalization for each well may take a short time. It should be noted that subsea/downhole separation will help every hydrate-prevention scheme, by removal of most of the free-water fraction that forms hydrates. This article describes the conditions under which hydrates form, how formation may be prevented and what can be done once hydrates have formed. Input Data of Parameters for Stress Analysis. formation of a third type of hydrate, Structure H involving large molecules. The Study of Separation of Nitrogen from Methane by Hydrate Formation Using a Novel Apparatus. Maintain low pressures to keep all phases fluid. Glycol injection is preferred by most pipeline operators because of its simplicity. Factors that must be considered in the design of these heat exchangers include: The effect of glycol on heat exchanger pressure drop, The reduction in heat transfer due to the presence of glycol, Continuous changes in flow regime across the heat exchanger tubes, Maximum allowable tube length as a function of tube diameter, Maximum allowable velocity to prevent emulsion formation, Minimum allowable velocity to maintain the glycol in the annular flow regime, Saeid Mokhatab, William A. Poe, in Handbook of Natural Gas Transmission and Processing, 2012. Before selection, a thorough study shall be made to investigate the chemical's impact on hydrocarbon composition, required rate to perform the necessary action, its availability in the long run, etc. In addition, suitable level gauges or switches to start/stop pumps or trigger alarm for refill shall be placed. 2001. Determining cooldown time and warm-up time from transient wellbore analysis to prevent hydrate formation in the wellbore. Go SPE Disciplines. In situations where hydrates are likely to form, several methods are available to prevent or suppress their occurrence. Formation of Hydrates During Deepwater Drilling Operations. To produce high-purity ethane from a wet NGL feed, a high-pressure deethanizer design has been developed to prevent hydrate formation without using a dehydration unit. Based on crude composition, pressure and temperature injection ratios of 10–50 ppmv may be expected. In Predicting hydrate formation, a hand calculation method, accurate to 75%, is given for hydrate formation. Table 25-9 and Table 25-10 show the maximum stresses, compared with the allowable values for the production loop and crossover loop, respectively. It is important to recognize that other nonsoluble drilling-fluid components (e.g., mud solid particles or fluidizers) may affect the kinetics or rate of hydrate formation to determine how rapidly hydrates will form or decompose. Pressure indicators after injection pumps (operating pressure 125 bar) are all located in a line to facilitate site access. SPE disclaims any and all liability for your use of such content. As a result, two alternatives to prevent hydrate formation were tested: thermal insulation of the well and a downhole expansion of the gas. If done inside well or along blowdown line, since pressure/temperature difference is very high ice particles may form. The ideal slurry system has the use of a subsea separator to remove the majority of produced water and subsequent rapid heat exchange to seafloor temperatures in the hydrate region, causing rapid hydrate formation as a liquid-phase slurry. If an additive to control PH is included in MEG, it will have corrosion inhibitor effect as well. Gulf of Mexico deepwater wellhead pressures represent some of the highest in the world, at 15,000 psia. While three of the four branches of a quaternary nitrogen salt form as a part of the hydrate structure, the fourth acts as a long tail that protrudes from the hydrate structure and prevents agglomeration of the hydrates into a larger mass. Reverse demulsifier is injected upstream of the water treatment package to improve water condensate separation before disposing water to sea. The injection of salts (primarily CaCl 2) reduces hydrate formation by lowering the chemical activity of water, and by lowering the solubility of gas in water. These chemicals can greatly increase the tendency for the water-hydrocarbon condensate to form stable emulsions. Add heat. This causes a steady-state condition. In Pipeline Rules of Thumb Handbook (Eighth Edition), 2014. The prevention of hydrate-plug formation and safe removal of hydrate plugs represent 70% of deepwater flow-assurance challenges; the remaining 30% deal with waxes, scale, corrosion, and asphaltenes. Tank material shall be compatible with contained chemical. When glycol is sprayed onto the tube sheet and the glycol solution is cooled, the viscosity of the glycol solution increases. Paper IIIb presented at the 1993 Intl. Infrared gas heaters can be used in meter buildings for heating gauge lines and flow recorders. You don’t need traditional heat trace methods to prevent hydrate accumulation. Methanol is normally injected at the Xmas Tree upstream choke valve in start-up condition to prevent freezing. Methanol Injections To Prevent Hydrate Formation Thanks to its chemical properties, Methanol can lower the freezing point of a water-based liquid and increase its boiling point, therefore, it is used as an antifreeze to keep cleaning fluids from freeing. A cone inlet channel provides better distribution of gas compared to a conventional radial nozzle. 1996. How to Prevent Dry Scalp. Glycol has limited solubility in the gas phase so the glycol must be carefully distributed to each heat exchanger tube to ensure that an adequate amount is present in each tube to prevent hydrate formation. OnePetro (4) Petrowiki (2) (1) Date. Foam bubbles that may be created due to agitation in the crude do not allow accurate measurement. Field tests have shown these chemicals to be effective at subcoolings up to ΔT = 20°F, at dosages from 550 to 3,000 ppm in the water phase. For these reasons, flow channels are frequently operated with inhibitor injection at the well, followed by dehydration at a downstream point. This is different from solution. The hydraulic and thermal processes of a wellbore are simulated for the following purposes: Determining steady-state wellhead pressure and temperature for flowline hydraulics and thermal analyses. There is a direct correlation between the glycol flow and the differential pressure across the nozzle. Heat trace applications can sometimes be used to keep temperatures high enough to prevent the formation of hydrates in long sections of pipe. Methanol and MEG are the most commonly used inhibitors, though ethanol, other glycols, and salts can be effectively used. Antifoam is injected at inlet piping of both test and production separator to prevent this phenomenon. These warm-up rates are rapid enough to ensure that little or no hydrates form in the wellbore. In the case of the pipeline, shown in Fig. Different methods to prevent hydrate formation include: maintenance of low pressure gas flow in the hydrate formation pressure, temperature and composition at a specified percentage of vapor phase. Pilot Loop Tests of New Additives Preventing Hydrate Plug Formation. These storage tanks are normally atmospheric but designed for a minimum pressure considering fluid static head plus blanketing gas pressure. 1, sufficient methanol is injected at the wellhead so that an excess of 23 wt% methanol will be present in the free-water phase over the entire pipeline length. These hydrates are formed with the aid of free water under certain pressure and temperature conditions. Dry scalp is often just a dry skin problem, and you prevent it similarly to how you'd prevent dry skin: by providing hydration inside and out. Formation of hydrates can be reduced or eliminated in several different ways. Tree loops will be hydrostatically pressure tested to 1.25 times of its design pressure on land as per ASME B31.8. Table 25-7. The commercial use of dispersants began in the Gulf of Mexico in 2001, after laboratory studies showing ΔT = 45°F subcooling. Inhibitor injection rates, whether methanol or MEG, are a function ofwater production and inhibitor dosage. 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