Our explainer on white-tailed spiders prompted readers to share their own eight-legged encounters. Thankfully it eventually healed and I am left with a small scar. References. Stinging nettles is a good description. I still have brown coloured coarse dead skin where it bit me years later. Got home but my foot below the bite started to get swollen and painful to the point I could not stand on it, so back to the hospital. After a day or two, the skin around the bite blistered and began to peel. Wiping them out up there is a good way to keep them from coming into the home on the hunt for food. Amazingly, at 7am my springer spaniel smelt the venom in the bite and started licking it madly. It got to the size of a 20¢ piece before it stopped growing. It led to a swelling of three fingers and then shedding of the skin on those fingers for three months. - Sue, My wife was bitten on the left foot underneath second toe. It took 0ver 7 weeks to heal as No doctor knew what it was !!!!!!!!! This ulcer wound failed to heal over several weeks, treated with various products, the wound and perimeter was excised to finally healed. While spider and insect bites are relatively common in horses, it is important to be aware of the possible danger from a severe reaction. By now i had to drive with my toes as i could not rest the back of my heel on anything..when i laid down and lifted my foot up, a heap of fluid and blood poured out of these 2 holes.. .3rd day.the red line appears, travelling to the next spot. I caught it and took it to the Australian Museum [no iPhones then]. Took 6 lots of antibiotics to help. and I had never experienced this type of bite, swelling and pain before. it then blisters then a huge blister arises. The White Tail spider’s preferred habitat is under dry bark and plants, but they will often be found inside houses, where they look for shelter from the light after hunting at night. 2003. My BP was 195/95 and was told I had cellulitis due to a reaction to the spider venom. Pretty minor, really. To enquire about image usage and fees, please contact us directly with your enquiry, or alternatively click the $ / Image Inquiry link once you add an … The pain from the bite lasted 7 days up my right arm. The white tailed spider is a common spider in most homes in parts of the world, including Australia and New Zealand. It was Saturday 4th Feb 2017 I was bitten, it was during a really hot weekend. Although painful there were no side effects. Amblypygi is an ancient order of arachnid chelicerate arthropods also known as whip spiders and tailless whip scorpions (not to be confused with whip scorpions or vinegaroons that belong to the related order Thelyphonida). the gel was forming proud flesh so now have a thin film over wound then bandage. - Lyn A, I got bitten on the face (by my eye) by a white-tailed spider when I lived in SA. I hope these photos help others to diagnose the bite xo Girt, 23.12.2014.white tail spider bite on my heel, after 14 days, todays update.my heel is on its side ok. 29.12.2014. i took this photo after 12hrs of a small clear burning pain blister was on the back of my heel. - Anonymous. After a day or two, ulceration was in retreat and closed in a few days. The white tailed spider and the black house spider, also found in Australia, have both been linked to necrotizing arachnidism. I was bitten in the lower back. - Dan, I have been bitten twice by white tails in my bed – 7 years apart in Adelaide (found the white tails!) It really, really hurt, but nothing more. We turned on the lights and saw the white tail, which was a small specimen. Fair to say I am not a fan of the white-tail spider though. It is now 2.5 weeks old and still visible, but no longer itchy. Other two spider bites which are even more dangerous include Black Widow spider bite and Brown Recluse spider bites. could no longer walk on it so had to hop around for 7days. - Anonymous, I was bitten by a white tail. White tail spider bites in fact caused little more than discomfort, clinical toxicologist Dr Geoffrey Isbister said. - Alison, My uncle was bitten by a spider in my presence, we both saw it. A recent story involving the white-tail spider on 5 April 2017 broadcasted a misleading headline of: “Father-of-two loses legs after a white-tail spider bite”, even though there was no evidence the spider caused the infection. - Amber, My son, then aged 18mths, was bitten 5 times by a white-tailed spider on his leg. Bit him on the calf and he still has a scar to this day where he got an infection and it caused severe ulcers. Back in primary school I was bitten on the side of my mouth by a spider while sleeping. It was extremely painful and very itchy for a long time. All I can recall is something like a sharp sting. This culminated in hallucination episodes. He scraped out the wound which had started to develop into a "crater" and gave me some painkillers and antiseptic stuff. The bite became swollen with puss. I assumed a white-tailed spider due to the original bite symptoms but am interested to find out what actually caused the flesh to be eaten away if it wasn’t a spider bite. - Anonymous, I was bitten by one who had snuck into a pair of jeans I left on the floor. Clinical photographs of a confirmed white tailed spider bite: L-R Day 4 after the bite, Day 8 after the bite, Day 18 after the bite Photos: K. Hoyle. The only unknown being the type of species. They are also known to move indoors in the winter to seek shelter from the cold and there they find plenty of … when I heard of someone else having the same issue as me and using Manuka honey. Apart from spider bites, this condition may also arise due to other factors such as inappropriate blood circulation, diabetes, chemical burns, certain bacterial infection as well some kinds of fungal infection. When the white tail spider bites, victim can expect the local pain for several hours and swelling around the bitten area for at least two days. I found the spider after he squealed and I removed his pants. Picture: Tait Schmaal. I had to travel that night to Vietnam via Hong Kong for work and it was not pleasant. These images were posted to The Timaru Herald's Facebook page of what people claimed were white tail spider bites. Finally, I rang a nurse friend who said it was probably a spider bite. - Steve, It bit our grandson on the neck four days ago. . White-tail Spider bite: a prospective study of 130 definite bites by Lampona species. Over time, the itch became like a severe eczema rash. - Jacquie, Twenty years ago I was bitten during the night on my lower right shin. Despite visiting a doctor and then Canberra hospital, no one connected the bite with the reaction until I visited my GP on the way home – we found the dead spider in the bed that night, what a way to ruin a romantic 40th birthday holiday. It hurt for weeks. - Warren, When my son was a toddler he picked up a white tale that bit him on the thumb. - Jess, Yes on back of leg, yes it ulcerated. The pain was unbearable. I have had infections of the bite due to this scratching, easily treated with antibiotics. can be recognised by their cylindrical body shape and a white or grey spot on the end of … The pain was excruciating. Not pleasant, but no pain. i was in hospital on pethadine and other pain killers. UK spiders will often enter our homes in search of somewhere warm to shelter, especially in autumn and winter.. The white-tailed spider. . I am sure it was a white tail. I caught the first white tail heading for her when she was 1 year old. the deep holes are where the original bites were.still can not touch this part of my heel. each day they were removed, we were horrified at what was happening so quickly underneath.The pus and blood lasted about 10 days. Their bite is unpleasant, but nowhere near as bad as rumoured. I get a raised red lump which becomes very itchy, constant scratching will take the top off it and it will bleed and scab over. These are an unusual small type of white spider that can change its color. Two years later I was bitten again – funnily enough two doors down from the original bite location. The name "amblypygid" means "blunt tail", a reference to a lack of the flagellum that is otherwise seen in whip scorpions. Spiders found in Indiana include 37 unique species from confirmed sightings by contributing members of Spider ID. Although the spider is endemeic to Australia, the species has been observed in New Zealand. I was bitten by one which was hiding on my towel in the bathroom, as I grabbed it to dry myself after a shower, right between my fingers. - Anonymous, On the inside leg above knee. The toe became more and more itchy, and the itch spread from exactly the bite site. Today, scientists say that this spider does not really cause necrotizing arachnidism, a condition that … He blistered and lost the skin to his middle finger. whether it was a white tip or not we cannot say for certain, but it definitely looked like one. On another occasion I was bitten by one in my bed sheets, this resulted in a red lump, pain in the area and a general feeling of unwell. The largest study ever on white tail spider bites was conducted between 1999 and 2002, consisting of over 130 documented and confirmed white tail spider bites. Spider Search allows you to narrow down a spider's species by both unique identifying traits, and primary colors. They may not be a direct cause of necrotic ulcers, but they are not harmless to someone who is susceptible to these sorts of reactions. - Helen, I was bitten by a white-tailed spider on the hand whilst asleep. Usually happens when people are asleep and they don't feel the bite. This cleared up the rashes in a matter of weeks. I have noticed a lot of white tails in my bedroom since moving to Tasmania. so i did. Got bitten around 2003. For a more advanced view of spiders currently covered by Spider ID, you can also navigate the Spider … - Anonymous, I've just come out the other side of bite number five in the past 10 years. Had a hard red itchy lump bit bigger than a mozzie bite. Banana spider has few dermatological features, mainly neurotoxic symptoms. 29.12.2014. Others said a white tail's bite had been similar to that of a mosquito. Swelled up, got hot, lasted for a couple of days, 2nd on on arm above wrist, did the same as my leg. The White Tailed Spider (Lampona cylindrata) is about the size of a 50c piece when fully grown, with a leg diameter about the size of a pin. Some said they had been bitten and nearly lost limbs. - Vicki, I have been bitten on several occasions by white tails. I felt a little bite during the night and then a sore quickly developed on my leg. And whilst the bacterial infection, 8 years later, was not a direct cause of the bite, it is likely (and the only possible contender) that the bite triggered an initial infection that allowed the bacterial infection to take hold. He had pain but no serious side effects. According to Kiwicare, white tails love to nest in dark, spider-filled roof voids. Both instances of being bitten were in the middle of winter, on my lower right leg, with a hot water bottle at my feet, so possibly the white tails wanted some warmth too! One day I may not be so lucky and cop a serious infection. The pain felt like burning. It turned out they discovered what they agreed was a spider bite on my calf muscle. At first it was an itch which became sorer then painful and reddened. - Lazza, Husband was bitten by a nest of white-tailed spiders (as diagnosed by doctor) resulting in blackened flesh from shoulder to elbow with lovely red lines extending in each direction, to the doctor's horror. The pain lasted about a week. - Glen, Many years ago the doctors thought I had a high fever influenza infection or similar. After seeing many doctors, I finally convinced one to give me a referral to a dermatologist, who prescribed a powerful oral antibiotic. I’ve been bitten a few times by white tails, mostly while asleep, and almost never with any effect beyond an itch around the bite. It has a grey cigar-shaped abdomen with a white spot on the end and sometimes the legs are banded with light traverse marks on the abdomen. - Bill, Your say: 'What happened when a white tail spider bit me'. the venom spread first to the inside of my ankle to the ankle bone and then spread to the outside of my foot. Not my favourite creature, but not one I fear, either. 3rd day after bite. The article seems to be sprucing up the little bastards and not taking them seriously enough. At first it was itchy, then a red ring spread from it and extended to about 5cm diameter. - Anonymous, Got bitten on the left flank, was itchy, turned septic, have had continual hospital trips for septic pop up any where on the body, was told its the bacteria on the spider not the bite itself. - Ben, I was bitten on the toe in 2000. Picture attached is as the wound was getting bigger. - Ruth, I was bitten by one when I was about 10. It was itchy, I woke up to scratch the itch and my mother took me to the doctor that day after a teacher suggested to put ice on the itch and the site went black. If it wasn't a white tail that bit me I can't think what else it may have been. Sure enough, when the swelling passed, there were the two little puncture marks. It grew to around the size of a golf ball. Walking fine. Although I didn't see it bite me, I'm convinced what it was because I have been bitten and stung by a large variety of insects over the years (including a huntsman, now that was painful!) Self care tips for white-tail spider bite. I grabbed my shirt and captured the villain which was a white tail. It was a sharp feeling, resulting in the jeans coming off very quickly, I had bruising in the area but not a lot of pain as perhaps it hadn't gotten a good bite. White-tailed spider White-tailed spider, photo by Phil Bendle / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. I have even found them in my bed. - Melanie, When I woke up one morning I noticed a small bite mark on my ring finger which was red and itchy and became very sore. With rest, ice and Panadol all came good. - Russell, I have been bitten three times by a white-tailed spider. We caught the spider. - Rolf, Over the past 30 years my daughter has been bitten by white tails and immediately the bite area necrotises. Whilst the white-tail bite did not cause the whole of the symptoms, according to the dermatologist it likely triggered a chain reaction that did. All have been the same – a large, hot, red bite area that swells to about the circumference of a walnut for a few days before shrinking back to 1-3 distinct bite points. The spider was in his pants left on a nappy change table. White-tailed spiders (Lampona sp.) Yellow sac causes a painful, red, swollen and itchy bite that may produce a slightly necrotic wound that heals without scarring. Whilst I'm not blaming white tips per se, I was under the assumptions that all spiders could carry the responsible bacteria on their fangs which cause these kinds of reactions and the white tip just happened to get the blame for it. Kept on with Betadine smear over the new skin for a few weeks and no more trouble after that. I saw it and felt the bite (it was in the shower). Cannot remember what the doctor prescribed, but a while later the wound scabbed and fell off. Had a skin graft and only in the last 5 or so years he's been able to play the guitar again. - Judith, My brother-in-law had half his foot amputated after two WT spider bites on top of his toes. I got lots of itchy blisters all over my foot then my foot and ankle started to swell and went red, hot and very itchy. ..10th day. There is little evidence that bites from the white-tailed spider result in severe or necrotic ulceration. But I learnt to check my bed in summer and to not leave clothes on the floor. - Anonymous, Yes and the pain and effects were far worse than childbirth (and I had a 26hr labour), wisdom teeth extraction or fractured bones (I’ve had all of these). duoderm pads were placed over wound to soak up blood and pus. - Phil, Got bitten on arm by one years ago. The bite marks were clearly visible as 2 red dots. - Richard, I have been bitten on the pointer finger by a white tail, we think by a cluster which I disturbed while they were located in a bed spread which had been hung to dry on a Hills hoist outdoors near Sorrento (Mornington Peninsula), then placed on the bed where I slept. Skin lesions, and after that told it was extremely painful and reddened a scar and bad.... Tail, which was a mozzie bite my neck when asleep my bed summer! That this spider can cause skin lesions, and two on the floor and blood about... 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