It was so silky, long, and so absolutely perfect. Quiz w Poczekalni. The shower was a mystery, a mystery that provided a much-needed break from a tedious job, and for the first four months, we laughed at the looks on the faces of the confused inmates who appeared in shower 3 with a head full of shampoo or frantically searching for a towel that wasn't there. Czekam na następne! Our team agreed and the removal surgery started. 5. It would happen anywhere from 2-4 times a month at first. Do Helena: Już krew jest ;) They were at the top of the stairs and heading towards the shower when the door to Shower 5 buckled outward. She is greeted by a horrific sight; hanging from the shower nozzle is her dog, with its throat slit open and its blood dripping into the bathtub. I wanted a shower too and I didn't know how long you'd be. The strange shower hadn’t disappeared Ferris to a different shower this time; it had simply disappeared him. The Creepypasta Subreddit | For fans of the genre to post original works, discussions, and more. First put on the red shirt, turn on your shower, and make sure the water is at least warm (Did I mention that the mirror needs to be in the room with the shower?) She was able to identify the dungeon as The Night Demon's, and there she was tortured. It was never anything you could count on and we’d sometimes take bets on when it would happen. They had sent down orders after their latest inspection that Ferris would shower tonight; on his own or with assistance. “Look, Ferris, you're going in that shower. Which Creepypasta will be killed first? Podczas odgadywania możesz użyć koła, ale pamiętaj, że pomniejszy to Twój wynik końcowy. Zauważyłeś literówkę lub błąd? Advertisements Estimated reading time — 21 minutes Edgar raised his head up from his chest; back pressed firmly into his favorite recliner, his entire body drenched in cold sweat. 513. Często się je przykleja do foliarskich artykułów niezwiązanych ze sprawą "the 5 hour video". Kto z was ukradł mi katanę?! His arms, his legs, his neck, his face, and especially his back were in bloody tatters and when he finally died I considered it a true mercy. Report. The team leader said it looked like some of the inmates had also been killed though he couldn't figure out how this thing was getting into the cells. ^ ( tak XD ) Zawiera nieodpowiednie treści? I saw Perves take a step back, bumping into McMan as the two tried to process what was happening, and all thoughts of calling for help had fled from me as I watched events unfold. It was Ferris alright. Have they finally reached enlightenment?I had been meaning to get this out last week but things never go as planned. The shower scene always stuck with me, traumatized me you could say, and brought many a day where family fights would erupt over me staying firmly locked in the single shared bathroom until I was fully clothed and ready to face whoever was on the other side of the door. XDDD No one could have known how bad it would get in the end. Napisz do nas. We headed out into the quad to see what all the kicking was about. The remains of body armor and broken shotguns lay everywhere and the lights in the quad seemed to be in a constant state of flicker. Luckily, she was able to escape and vowed to kill the being for revenge. While their showering they're locked in a shower cell about the size of...well a household shower while we go to the next quad over to do pretty much the same thing. I still do some days. She was beautiful. It was less funny after the events of that night. Everett was what we’d call a “frequent flyer” and had we known he was coming in we’d have put him in the cell they’d just released him from three days ago. Uznali, że mogę zostać sam w domu, gdyż nie jestem już małym dzieckiem. The creature freed itself from the hole, black goo glistening on the torn door, and made its way up the wall with a hellish shriek and a metallic clittering I could hear through the glass. Pervis and I were conducting showers in Quad 3 and 4 when they brought in our latest wild child. Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź, aby przejść do następnego pytania. Browse more videos. We all liked being where we were and were in no hurry to get sent somewhere else. -» Creepypasta Which Creepypasta Watches Over You? Inni natomiast twierdzą, że materiał jest legitny. (Creepypasta x Male Reader) | Eyeless Jack 5. Well, not exactly empty I suppose. Now saying that probably brings up all sorts of images and ideas but just know that the job is very different than what you see on TV. Just a bunch of Creepypasta lemons that were removed from deviantart. Their files were gone when I came back, their DC numbers and CDC records were expunged, and all the cells were open and empty. After the third police officer was ripped to shreds we got a visit from someone higher up. "I haven't heard a peep out of him, did they load him into a cell? The Predator is a known enemy of The Night Demon. Of the twenty-seven inmates that had been in that Quad, I don't know. The creature, meanwhile, was wolfing down gobbets of a quickly exsanguinating Pervis. There was also the matter of Ferris’s smell. We could all see the door to Shower 5 heaving and bucking as something slammed into it with a machine-like rhythm. Super! You turn around and start scrubbing his chest, noticing some scratches. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Have you ever been taking a shower while alone in the house and felt like something was moving around behind the curtain? By nine o’clock we had caught up our paperwork, passed out all our toiletries, and were full as ticks and ready to find a movie. You're in the shower, minding your own business when either Jeff came early or you stayed in longer than expected. Do Jasona: Zrób podróbkę lalki Annabelle! Meteor Shower Pt.1 ... *² Recently, @Asmodeusarts on Instagram has made a Creepypasta … He was praying when I closed the shower door. It was all fun and game until Inmate Ferris disappeared. Erick~ dobRe. Ja: One rly? The subreddit for "Creepypasta icon" stories, artwork, and more. They say that everyone has a case that haunts them. With that, the awkward shower meant to cure the elf of his phobia of water began. I've never seen it during the day, it doesn't seem to like the light, but at night you can catch glimpses of it as it in the darkness as it stalks the rats and roaches that still live in the Quad. What’s it going to be?”. That's now why you are covered in blood. He comes in through the window so 1, you didn't hear and 2, you're in the shower so stuff is hard to hear anyway. Opowiadania mogą zawierać treści nieodpowiednie dla osób nieletnich. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The whole quad had started screaming and their hellish chorus was only drowned out by the creature's screams of pain as it left a glistening trail behind it on the concrete wall. We didn't know about this until later but what we could see was horrific enough. The Showers is a story about an odd mill somewhere in Kansas of Nebraska (Later on in the story it is revealed that it is Hastings,… McMan, Sergeant McMan, was a ten-year vet who’d spent most of his time doing paperwork or fielding questions from the brass. Splendid. When she had turned 20, she had committed suicide. Udostępnij. I had seen him lay hands on men who would have given me trouble and put them on their faces as easily as someone subdues a child. He almost did too; until the creature looked up from the stripped skull it was now chewing on and heard him running down the stairs. Do Worse – Yeey! As it fell, the creature lept off it and caught McMan in the back as he ran for the door. Even rarer is one that's actually believable. Wejdź i znajdź to, czego szukasz! Endless Story. When it came time for Ferris to go he said he wasn’t going to shower 5. One night, in particular, we had just packed him away and put the next man into shower 5 only to returned to find shower 3 occupied, shower 5 empty, and Garvy pouting like an angry child. Jeff, Toby, Clockwork, and more - even Original Characters. I love numbers, even numbers to be exact. They took Ferris out under a sheet and it was dripping red in its wake. This started a whole new bombardment of paperwork, CCTV footage being combed over a frame at a time, and witness statements being filled out and dispositions being taken. The creature slammed into McMan and plastered him against one of these windows like a bug. (niewymagane jeśli masz ukończone 13 lat). I couldn’t begin to tell you why, I doubt anyone could, but sometimes when you put an inmate in shower 5 they would reappear in shower 3. Piękne creepy show On trzeźwy? The new officers they put back there always ask me what happened to Quad 2 but I never tell them the whole story. He was the last sergeant I ever served with in that confinement unit. Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź, aby przejść do następnego pytania. 23. Now, every once in a blue moon, you come across a really good creepypasta. He handed E.J the shower-head, then turned the water on, and he sat down in the cannibals lap. We talked about it sometimes, speculating what could have happened to him, but ultimately we lost interest after the paperwork ended and the hype died down. The other fought like cats to get that stall each shower night and I’d come into the quad many nights to the sound of them bickering about who would get it tonight or trying to trade their breakfast trays for someone's spot in line. Ferris’s disappearance prompted an emergency search of all dorms, a compound wide lockdown, the dispatching of the canine team, and a county-wide manhunt that extended into neighboring counties before it was finally called off after a fruitless two weeks. KES Bathroom Replacement 16-Inch Shower Arm with Flange Square, Brushed Nickel, PSA4-2 in Shower Arms & Slide Bars. Did you catch the very vaguest hint of eyebrows or a tuft of matted, greasy hair above the curtain rod?That’s not a good idea.It doesn't really like it if you see it. I took it not because I wanted it, but because I felt it was my sacred trust to stand guard against that thing every night. I took baths, which I suppose aren’t that different – it’s still a tub, and it involves hot, soapy water. It is a habit, a fear, which saved my life a little over a year ago. Three months passed and Ferris’s disappearance was starting to fade. 5 Real-Life Creepypasta Characters Caught on Camera -4. He screamed and it cut across the hellish sound of the quad like a knife through butter. We finished showers late that night and just about the time my butt hit the chair I remembered Everett. McMan and Pervis were unmarried bachelors and so they just disappeared one day after work. Or you could be an adult and go take your shower so we can be done here. Ja: Super! HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY!! He drug himself back into the shower, shower three this time, and called for help and that’s where we found him. As Pervis and I came through the door we were buffeted by screams of “Shower 3” and “It’s Ferris!” and “He’s Dying”. The cameras clearly showed that we had been absent from the quad when Ferris disappeared so after three days they had no choice but to let us return to work. :) Again, lime for people who don't like that kind of stuff.Jeff the KillerYou had gotten back from a short murder spree, but though it was short, you were covered in blood and intestinal matter. Skomentuj. Looking for a specific pasta? (Ouuu dużo XD Come see some weird conversations the pastas have which each other. Paste(Ctrl+V) it in the desired location. We shower two quads a night, which roughly takes about 3-4 hours, and makes up the biggest part of our night. I had my feet kicked up on the desk and was just getting ready to enjoy a nap when the sound of boots on doors started in Quad 2. The Captain asked him what we should do about the men trapped inside, men who hadn't eaten in two days, and he simply shrugged and said if they were in there then they were as good as dead already. I’m one of the lucky people that go to work while everybody else is … The Problem with the Drains Read More » He reached for his gas, the small can of chemical spray that is normally our best defense again aggressive inmates, but his hand seemed unsure of how to break the seal that held it in the holster; or even whether or not he wanted to. Do wszystkich: Przyznawać się! After she did, she woke up in a dungeon. He showered there nine shower nights for every ten and still never had it happen. He argued for a bit more but in the end, he put on the cuffs and went to Shower 5 meekly. My Captain is a Major now at another facility, everyone from my old shift ha either quit or moved on, and I alone keep my vigil here every night. Inmates are cuffed, removed from cells, weighed, given haircuts, and are placed in the shower so we can search their cells. It never happened in reverse either, shower 3 was broken so we never used it, but when we did put an inmate in shower 3 for holding he never went anywhere until we were ready for him to go somewhere. One inmate in particular, Garvy, used to trade his breakfast tray for the spot in line that would get him to Shower 5 every shower night. While my two best friends were being devoured before my eyes there were actually people out there having comfortable nights filled with nothing more pressing than a belly ache or an unruly inmate who wouldn't go to bed. I just think you could have done so much more with this plot. Pewnej pochmurnej soboty, moi rodzice, wraz z moją starszą siostrą, wyjechali do rodziny. We’d arrived in time to see his last few breaths and listen to him wheeze as his lungs finished filling with blood. *patrzy na nusz(XD), który zajumała(i jeszcze raz XD) z wojska* And none of them got to experience it like Ferris did. Did you look up? He was true to his word too. That wasn't like any kicking I'd ever heard and added to the screaming it put me one edge. The next few weeks went by and now we had our first patient. It's me again~ *Sing song voice*, here with the Masky x Hoody lemon that I promised I'd write ^^ Again, based off of the comic by Sappiresenthiss - pages 15-17 to be specific, only this time when Jeff looks through the keyhole, he gets a look at something pretty erotic. Znajomy ekran wyboru muzyczki, znajome kawałki "Magical Sound Shower", "Passing Breeze" i "Splash Wave" i wreszcie znajomy widok czerwonego Ferrari, w którym siedział chłopak z jakąś blondynką... Wspomnienia z dzieciństwa wracają. Garvy immediately started hooting about wanting to take his place but I ignored him. The two officers, my friends, stood like statues as the thing swung its eyeless head from side to side. McMan was far from what you'd call imposing, standing about 5’2 with thick glasses and a slim frame, but he was knowledgeable about his job and always had something to talk about. The narrative they’d constructed was as unsatisfying as it was unbelievable but it kept our bacon out of the fire so we didn’t argue. Ale narysuje tylko nie wiem jak wyjdzie mi rysowanie człowieka XDDD, @The_StarlingShadow ;* After the inquiries and the inquests determined we’d had nothing to do with the disappearance they put us back in Confinement and told us to keep a closer watch in the future. Typically the crew is small, each one filling a desired need, and in the two years I’ve been here I’ve seen and heard some things that you don’t see on tv. The doors to Quad 2 were sealed shut, the door welded closed and caution tape draped across it. Cover by me! We told them to just put him in a shower on the other side and we’d deal with him later. @Worse_nightmare If we needed a reminder of the incident all we had to do was look at the red stains on the floor of shower 3. Advertisements Estimated reading time — < 1 minute Have you ever been taking a shower while alone in the house and felt like something was moving around behind the curtain? Creepypasta Land MV Edition is the same old Creepypasta Land but with full new graphics, new items, new secrets, new battle system, new maps,extra stories and a lot of new secret stuff!! Inmate Ferris was one of the few who didn’t request Shower 5 every shower night. 10 Questions - Developed by: Rachel - Updated on: 2020-01-03 - Developed on: 2014-05-20 - 389,911 taken - User Rating: 4.4 of 5 - 85 votes - … At first, you wanted to ask … We were preparing to go put him away when a chorus of screams brought our attention to the Quad. For example, all the guards on C shift knew about the mysterious shower in Quad 2 of confinement. I have found the rainbow!!!!! He was gone and we still had a job to do so the showers went on and days turned into weeks. He was very religious and a shower that made people vanish was something he neither trusted nor understood. Press J to jump to the feed. You jump into the bathroom before Jeff can and throw off your clothes, jumping into the shower. Creepypasta – krótka, fikcyjna historia, rozpowszechniana za pomocą internetu, która ma na celu przestraszyć czytelnika.Mimo że creepypasty zazwyczaj nie są oparte na faktach, to są często opisywane w sposób bardzo realistyczny, by zwiększyć uczucie strachu. He’d gotten into another fight, probably over gang politics, and now he was sitting in the sally port again and cussing up a storm. Skomentuj. She had a great face, great body, and her hair, goodness gracious, her hair! High quality Creepypasta gifts and merchandise. I’ve been an officer in the confinement unit of this prison pretty much since I got certified. terrible_girl 5 lat temu. Click the links below for specific letters, or click the "Next" (or "Prev") links. Ferris has managed to worm his way into the grates through the shower and had made it into the ventilation system. Masky x Hoody Lemon. 7. 8. She knew it. He lay on the floor of the dirty shower, his blood pooling as it tried to flow into the drain, and shuddered out the last minutes of his life. The creature then turned its eyes less face towards him and the front of its bulbous mouth split open to reveal lines of serrated teeth and a high pitched sound like a piece of farm equipment scream. We didn't see Ferris for another three months. Sir Spooks. I brought chicken, Pervis brought soda, and McMan brought a pecan pie that his sister had made. Come and you decide for yourself. Eee chwila kto naćpał Puppeta że takie coś powiedział? If you refuse this shower I can get a bunch of angry men down here to pull you out and put you in the shower. I can understand why people say it; I used to think the same thing. Horror Clicker is a Halloween clicker with the heroes of horror films, Creepypasta and SCP. Playing next. It was so weird to think that somewhere else on the compound there were people having normal nights. He let us handle most of the day to day drudgery while he insulated us in a warm blanket of correctly managed reports and accurately maintained logs. In case you missed it. 8:08. Akceptacja regulaminu jest obowiązkowa, Oświadczam, że nie mam ukończonych 13 lat, ale mój opiekun prawny wyraził zgodę. Which Creepypasta do you think sings in the shower? Cover by me. But a shower, with it’s closed curtain, water peppering the tub floor and steam climbing the walls – you get lost inside your own head in the shower. We had used all the bottom showers to shower other quads. Jeff:Jeff had gotten blood all on you. Creepy Show (Creepypasta)#5. One: Ja też nie. I started to move, despite my apprehension, but McMan stopped me, "I've got this. For those unfamiliar with how a prison quad is set up let me explain. I closed him in and took off his cuffs and at first, I didn’t think he would shower at all but as I descended the stairs I heard the water start and decided to make a trip to the officer's station to have a quick bite. Follow. Grey*spaceruje sobie* Shower 5 though was definitely the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. The creature raised its muzzle all at once and bit down on his face, engulfing the man's head in a single bite and as Pervis kicked and thrashed under it I saw McMan get to his feet and make a run for it. Night shift, which was C shift, is not generally very exciting, but it does have its quirks. 3 lata temu. On that night all I was thinking about was the food waiting for me in the fridge and the prospect of being done with another night of showers. Zgodził się bez najmniejszego oporu. Review Pasta. 5 Real-Life Creepypasta Characters Caught on Camera -4. Play alone or with the other together. There are five showers in each quad, showers 1 and 5 are on either side of cell 1 and 14, showers 2 and 4 on either side of cell 15 and 28, and shower 3 sits between cell 21 and 22. Personally, if it's just one case, then clearly, whoever "they" are isn't doing very good police work. Pervis was not a small man. Jeff the Killer All you wanted was to take a shower before your boyfriend got here. I waved Pervis off as he started walking towards us, not wanting to spook Ferris and create a situation where there didn’t need to be one. Sometimes the administration just wanted paperwork to look good; making sense was secondary. Have you ever been taking a shower while alone in the house and felt like something was moving around behind the curtain? “I must be a good younger sister,” she would tell … last year | 122 views. We didn’t do showers on Sunday night and the night was spent cleaning and passing out toiletries and generally just finding something online to watch as we ran out the clock. It had battered the door a little while trying to get at him but had eventually gone back to eating the remains of the other six members. 9. The video showed him showering one minute and then gone the next. Today I'll be covering one of those rarities. Sometime within that fifteen-minute window the inmate will close their eyes, to blink or maybe to rinse their hair, and suddenly appear in shower 3. For three days we were questioned, had to make multiple written and verbal statements, and were grilled endlessly by both local and federal officers. I've seen officers come and go in the ten years since that day but I haven't told anyone about the incident. ;*, Akceptuję Regulamin oraz Politykę Prywatności Super! XD She was once controlled by them, however, she was able to escape their control. Xxdddd 345 Obserwuj autora Dodaj do ulubionych 0. Her younger sister did, too. I like that there are 48 stairs leading up to my cell. Normally this wouldn’t have been a problem, there were usually tons of others willing to take his place, but tonight Ferris was my last shower. Na pewno ładne, Były moje pytania!!!! Or watching you? It seemed to be confused by all the screaming, the sound bouncing off the concrete, and I thought my fellow officers might escape as Perves took another tentative step backward. It doesn't really like it if you see it. ", McMan looked at his board and shook his head, "Pretty sure they put him in a shower.". “Look, Ferris, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. He looked you over and a wolf whistle. A quick look through the glass told us that he wasn't in one of the ground floor showers. Every area in all parts of the world has those area-specific urban legends that just refuse to die. After that, NO inmate would go near Shower 5. We managed to keep the weirdness to a minimum for about a month before it came completely off the rails. The most terrifying horror monsters: clowns, dolls, maniacs, killers, mummies, zombies and ghosts came for you. His skin had been sliced by long claws and his back looked as though something had tried to peel him a strip at a time. She reaches the bathroom and turns on the light. His nose broke, his glasses shattered, and as he slid down I could follow his progress with the trail of blood he left. !^^ #rpg Call the captain and get some help down here while we go see what's going on.". Muszę poznać twoje postacie When they asked us where we wanted him we didn't even think about shower 5. They had then looked out and seen the blood spattering the window and feared that a riot was underway. The URL has been copied. 264. Shower Trays (171 products) Picking the right shower tray can be difficult given the huge array of options that are now available. Maybe in another ten years, he'll question how thick that glass is between him and real meat. Pervis was our muscle, six feet tall and built like a barrel, and I’m pretty sure all the inmates thought he communicated through grunts and the occasional “Go to Hell”. Provocation. At first, it was just a curiosity to help pass the time, a mystery to be solved, or some bit of annoyance that inmates could complain about ceaselessly. I'd seen McMAn facedown even the most hardened of inmates, seen him hold the line during last summers riots as we held the gate against a dozen screaming inmates, but this creature was too much for him. Więc, wracając do tematu, nudząc się jak mops postanowiłem zadzwonić do mojego kolegi Michała i zaprosić go na noc. The other inmates had likely been feeding him and telling him when to stop moving, this was before audio was normal in the dorms so we couldn’t check, and after three months he’d gotten bored and wandered into one of the big fans and gotten cut up. 38. Udostępnij. They're given roughly 15 minutes to wash and dry off before we come back to cuff them and return them to their cells. Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź, aby przejść do następnego pytania. He was naked and we were saved having to look at his mutilated genitalia because of the fetal position he’d taken. Which Creepypasta do you think sings in the shower? Advertisements Estimated reading time — 10 minutes “Man, that shift sucks!” I hear it all the time. A time where hot, steaming water can ripple on your back, like a massage. They had come in after I didn't answer the radio. “Go get the Sarge,” Pervis said and as the man with the shortest time in I was relegated to the bubble while McMan went to the floor to access the situation. Come and you decide for yourself. Shower time, your favorite. The next three days were a nightmare. He stared into shadows at the edge of the living room, eyes welling with tears as he lifted the revolver slowly … Seventeen Read More » They all tried but in truth less than half of them ever got to experience it. 23. Sunday’s were normally a pretty easy day in confinement. Pervis looked up from the screen and sighed, “I knew it was too good to be true.”. I don't know if he said something to them or not but they later told us that they loaded him into shower 5, leaving the cuffs on because he was being combative, and left. It rode him to the ground, knocking McMan off his feet, and the strange mouth ripped itself open to reveal the rows of black glistening teeth. Creepypasta na - Zróżnicowany zbiór ofert, najlepsze ceny i promocje. Quad 2’s shower night was Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. XDDDDD The door is framed by two large glass windows that stand about twenty-five feet high so you can glance out at the quad and see what's happening at any given time. “I ain’t goin in that shower.” He said, evenly as he stared at me through the glass on the door. Worse_nightmare. Meteor Shower Pt.1. He told us that the Quad was to be quarantined until further notice, the reflective lenses on his sunglasses making him look as inhuman as the creature, and that no one was to go in or out until this thing was dead. ... vivien 45 5. Ferris had been refusing his showers for the last seven shower nights, the other shift didn’t quite enforce the rules as we did about bathing once a week, and the administration had begun to take notice of his odor. I’ve said We a lot in this story but I haven't talked about the men I served with in confinement. I just stood there with the phone in one hand, dial tone blaring at me, and the radio in the other hand putting out the same good-natured chatter it usually does this time of night. ; one: Ja też nie quad like a knife through butter,! To think that somewhere else on the ground floor showers set up let me explain into! //Orig00.Deviantart.Net/029A/F/2015/104/E/4/Kazama_By_Matcha97-D8Pofoe.Jpg, https: //, https: //, https:,... And two empty showers stayed in longer than expected użyć koła, ale pamiętaj, że same materiały powstały potrzeby... Dried slime, and so absolutely perfect and plastered him against one of stairs., but McMan stopped me, `` pretty sure they put back always. Position as confinement sergeant and I took it so the showers went on enjoy... And feared that a riot was underway know how long you 'd be his chest, noticing some scratches the... My hands never had it happen had it happen it into the quad like a knife through butter until! 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